The office works for the vital mission of securing the country through international cooperative research partnerships, launching new industries based on recent research, development in The Electronics Research Institute, or contribution to the national mass projects. The office will be the main unit in the institute to assist the institute members in obtaining external funding for their research activities. The office is also working towards achieving the institute's goal of increasing the number of research projects, and at the same time ensure that the proposals prepared comply with the financial regulations and rules of the contracts. The office also works in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology to ensure that the members of the institute researchers are fully aware of available external financing opportunities. In addition to that, one of the activities of the office is monitoring the research activities in the institute funded by donors. Also, it is working on building a database of proposals, projects and grants in the institute and provides statistical and other reports to be submitted to the management of the institute.
The mission of the office is to assist the institute members in obtaining the necessary external funding for research activities. The office works to achieve the institute’s goal to increase a number of research projects at the same time to ensure that these projects serve real problems in the Egyptian society. The office provides the strategic framework for establishing, facilitating and implementing effective international partnerships that support national security research, development and performance assessment. The office stimulates the link between scientific research in the field of electronics and industry, both domestically and internationally.
- The office works to link the Egyptian entities working in industrial research with their foreign counterparts, so that these entities cooperate in joint research activities specifically
- Coordination with partner countries, especially universities and international research centers, to identify viable areas of cooperation and opportunities for partnership.
- Involve the international partners to participate with the institute in managing the scientific excellence program and encourage the institutes departments to enter into a partnership with academic institutions abroad.
- Searching for international research grants for young researchers at the institute to deepen the experiences of young people
- Refractory all the letters mentioned to serve local industries or start new ones
- The Institute's involvement with other Egyptian entities in sharing roles in national projects that enhance the Egyptian public economy
- Preparing cooperation protocols with Egyptian and Egyptian universities and research institutes
- Discover the general requirements of the business sector and the desired investment goals.